If you have ever spent any time on the road, especially with kids you would know there are some essential things you need to make it easier for you along the way. Anything can happen on the road but it’s crucial that you are prepared as much as possible. I’ve taken road trips almost every summer for several years now and a few essential items I have found that are vital to have along the way. Here are some tips I’ve found that help along the way!
- Wipes- Even if you don’t have children wipes are so important to have on a road trip. There are hundreds of times that I’ve spilled something sticky and needed something handy quickly. I always carry some wipes in the glove compartment ready to go at any time. Here are some great wipes and if you are needing a carrier here’s a great one easy to attach to anything and makes easy to use.

2. Waterbottles– I know that it seems like common sense but I always keep extra water in the car at all times. You never know if you are going to get caught in traffic, hit bad weather, or have a breakdown somewhere. It’s important for not just you but your kids that you are well hydrated. Here’s a gallon waterbottle that works well to fill up smaller ones.

3. Snacks– No matter where I’m going I will always have food of some sort in the car. You never know what can happen a long the way and it may be a while before you have access to food. One time on a road trip through Wyoming there wasn’t a place to stop for almost 300 miles. Luckily I had filled up with gas and had food and water with me so we didn’t have to stop at all. This could have been a very different story if we didn’t have these things with us. This is a great way to organize different items in your car especially when you have kiddos!

4. Chargers– Ok this seem a little like well of course but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten chargers. Not having a charger could mean life and death now a days where if you get into an accident you need immediate help. We have the ability to call for help right away but for sure you will need that phone charged. Also if you have kids a charger comes in handy when kids are needing entertainment. Here’s a traveling case to keep everything all organized!

5. Spare Tire– I think that everyone usually has a spare tire but do you have a full tire or a doughnut tire? The doughnut tire will not get you too far so investing in a spare tire can save you time and a ruined vacation. I got a flat in Dallas once while on a road trip it cost me hours because all I had was a doughnut and couldn’t go far with it. It’s important to always make sure your tires are in good condition as well.

6. Emergency Kit– Always carry an emergency kit with you. I can’t emphasize enough how this might save you or your families lives at some point. Not just a medical kit but also a roadside hazard kit is important for any emergency that may arise. One of the items in the roadside kit I would keep in the glove compartment and that is the safety hammer. This is used to break glass just incase you land in water. It’s a quick little tool that can save many lives.

7. Map– I know what you are thinking but I have my phone. Well I don’t know about you but often I have no cell phone service especially in the mountains. It’s important that you purchase a map of the area you are traveling to ensure that you get to where you want to go. Here’s something that could save you from losing your way.

8. Flashlight- I know we all have flashlights on our phones but it’s always good to have an extra one on hand. You don’t want to use up your phone battery if you don’t have to. We have all seen the scary movie where the travelers get stranded and can’t make that very important phone call because their phone died. Here’s one that is waterproof and even has a way to hang it if needed.

9. Spare Key– Always bring a spare car key and keep it on you at all times. The reason for this is sometimes when you are road weary you can forget where your keys are. This will help to save you a calling a locksmith to open your car door. It’s important to remember that you have it on you as well. Here’s a lanyard that will help you keep it safely tucked under your shirt. It’s a brilliant way to not have to think about it.

10. Road Side Assistance– This is a very important investment when you travel that you have some sort of roadside assistance. I love AAA but if you find something that’s better for you then go for it. Make sure that you have it handy. You may receive a card or something that has the phone number on it. Go ahead and put that in a quick and easy location in your car if not program it in your phone or do all of the above. Most of all have so much fun!

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