When it comes to mental health it can be hard to break down the different things that we need so that we can stay motivated. Whether it’s a lifelong struggle or a seasonal depression when you are feeling down it can be really hard to get motivated to do menial tasks around the house. If you struggle with getting motivated here are 10 different activities that can help you stay motivated
1. Exercise: Physical activity can help boost your mood and increase endorphins, the feel-good hormones. When we exercise there’s a rush of endorphins that help us feel a natural boost in mood and can make us feel happy. Try and take a walk around the block and if you are so inclined take a jog. Getting your body moving is also great for circulation and oxygen intake.

2. Connect with loved ones: Spending time with people you care about can help improve your mood and perspective. Having family and friends around naturally lifts our mood when we are healthy. If you have good strong connections with those around you reach out when you are feeling down it can really boost your mood and help you get through the rough times. Being connected to those around us is very important to our success.

3. Practice gratitude: Take a moment to reflect on the things you are thankful for, no matter how small they may seem. Thankfulness is a huge boost in focusing on what is good. When we focus on all the things that are going wrong we aren’t paying attention to what is good in our lives. Keeping a gratitude journal can help you focus on things you need to be thankful for and it can refocus us on what we have instead of what don’t have.

4. Help others: Doing something kind for someone else can shift your focus away from your own problems and bring a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Helping other people is a great way to disengage from self-evaluation and put our focus on those around us. Going to a homeless shelter or volunteering can help to get you out of your own way and focus on something else.

5. Get outside: Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood. There’s nothing like a great walk into the woods that will help your mood. The fresh air and plants can help to bring a feeling of freedom and peace that is not found in buildings. Go for a nature hike and enjoy the outdoors by yourself or with a friend. Make sure that you take long deep breaths to increase the oxygen in your body and brain. This will bring an overall feeling of well-being.

6. Get organized: Having a sense of control over your environment can help improve your mood and reduce stress. When you are feeling down start cleaning. Even if you don’t feel like it has a clean environment really can help change your mood. Enjoying your home space is so important to your mental health.

7. Do something creative: Engaging in a creative activity, such as painting or writing, can help distract you from negative thoughts and emotions. When we are creative we allow our emotions to flow and can get whatever is going on on the inside out. The act of creating activates a different part of your brain and helps all of the anxiety move out of focus. Creativity is a wonderful form of therapy.

8. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce stress and improve mood. Training your mind to not think about the negative all the time can be hard but very worth it. Practicing mindfulness can be a way to train your mind to think about things that help to bring joy and healing to your heart.

9. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for overall mental and physical health. The average adult needs about 8 hours of sleep to heal and restore their body and mind. It’s important that you work on getting quality sleep as well as deep restful sleep. Sleep can be a restart for all of your brain circuits. Turn your phone off 1/2 hour before sleep, play soft music, defuse lavender, and have some sleepy time tea to help put you in the mood for bed.

10. Treat yourself: Do something you enjoy, such as reading a book, taking a bath, or watching a movie. Taking time for self-care can help boost your mood and improve your overall well-being. Take time to do a hobby or something you really enjoy doing. This will help you focus on relaxing and having joy through activities you might want to do. Many times we put off activities we enjoy because we become so busy and now is a time when you can pick those activities back up.

No matter what you choose to do to motivate yourself it’s important that you take action steps in the right direction to help move away from feeling down. Enjoy practicing these 10 steps.
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