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School is starting! For some of us it doesn’t begin for a few weeks and for others it has already started. There’s a mixed feeling of joy and sadness for summer to be over but for kids to go back to school can be a great relief, especially for single moms. I know the feeling in the summer of not knowing what to do with your child while you work. Childcare is very expensive and the tv can become the babysitter let’s be real.
As we get ready for school there are some things that you will need to gather before your little ones get off to school. I love this program our local Walmart has where the schools give them their supplies list and all you have to do is find your school and order the list. It makes life much easier if you don’t have to go to the store. However, if you must go shopping for items here are a few must-haves and where to find them!
- Paper Towels– This has been on my daughter’s list since she was in pre-school. I think that if you don’t have some in your pantry you can have them delivered directly to your door. Here’s where to order them online. I don’t know about you but I like to give the teachers more then they request just because I know usually in the middle of the year they are asking for more supplies anyway. Generosity is always the way to go!

2. Washable Makers– If you have ever been in school you know that markers are pretty much a staple product in every classroom. The reason we want them washable is that your kid will at some point mark their clothes or their neighbor’s clothing. Having washable markers will help teachers out it keeps them from pulling out their hair lol. Here are the markers that work for us.

3. Tape– Teachers use tape for everything! I always like to send a big pack because knowing my child she will run through it all so quickly! Here’s where you can get the tape. I always have tape on my list and I try to get the most common and easiest tape available. Don’t get too cheap a tape because it won’t work with kids.

4. Anti-Bacterial Wipes– After COVID these are a staple more now than before. Last year my daughters teacher put out an email for a large amount of these in the middle of the year because they ran out of them so fast. It is easier now to get anti-bacterial wipes than during the pandemic but I would always order them earlier then when school starts. Here are some that you can order and give to the teachers. Just know they are never going to run out of a need for wipes so more is better.

5. Expo-Markers– I have never seen a school list without dry erease markers on them. Unless the teacher doesn’t use a white board these are pretty much a basic supply for any classroom. Being a teacher myself for a few years these are a very important addition to the classroom. Sometimes the markers dry out because students forget to put the lid on correctly so any extras are always welcome. Here’s a great pack!

6. Glue– Though I avoid this at home just because it gets so messy they use it at school a lot. There are a few different kinds of glue that teachers can request. The liquid kind or the stick kind are both the most common used in school. Usually, depending on the grade they will use one or the other. Younger kiddos do better with the sick kind and the older students can handle the resposability of the liquid glue.

8. Binders- Depending on the teacher and grade they will request a binder for your child. I have noticed that the higher the grade the bigger the binder. Maybe its just me but it seems like that’s pretty common for all the students to be carrying some sort of binder around especaily in upper elementary. If you have multiple kids in your home you can get a pack that will save you money. Here’s a great pack of 1″ binders. If you have just one child here’s just one 1″ binder. If I don’t find the color my daughter wants I usually buy stickers for her to decorate her binder to make it feel like her own.

9. Number-2 Pencils– In every school across the world the pencil is a basic necessity. You will never go wrong with a box of pencils. I know that many tests are taken with pencils but also homework is easier if it’s done in pencil. Here’s a box of 30 for a rather cheap price.

10. Crayons– If you have worked with children on any level you would know that crayons are a staple in education and creativity. However, they can break easily and most younger kids find it fun to unwrap the ourside of the crayon which can end up being a mess to clean. Even though there are some drawbacks to crayons they are a wonderful way for children to learn colors and be creative. Here’s a great pack for the classroom. These are also an item that you don’t need to worry about over giving. Teachers will always be able to use crayons especially in younger grades.
No matter what you need for your school list I always prefer to order them on-line to save time and gas. It can make everything a lot easier if you get them delivered to your door without having to drive all over town.
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